Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Harris Teeter Execs Coming to Davis Lake July Board Meeting

UPDATE x2:  Target opening date of August 1, 2012 - more likely around August 10, 2012.

UPDATE:  The July 11, 2012 Davis Lake HOA Board Meeting will feature two guests community police officer (we are not sure what he does for Davis Lake in addition to his normal duties as a CMPD officer) CMPD Officer Chuck Sayre and the Harris Teeter President Fred Morganthall.

The latest Davis lake email blasts announced that several Harris Teeter Executives are coming for a "special appearance" to the 7pm - July 11, 2012 Davis Lake Board meeting at the Davis Lake Club House (the clubhouse is the building at the pool) to discuss all things Teeter.  The Harris Teeter President, an obligatory Communications person (to record everything for the record) "and others" will be there to entertain questions from the hopeful Davis Lake contingent.  All are welcome to come out and ask the open ended question of "when ya'll opening?"  And "Lowe's Foods used to do it this way.. Why don't you?"

Please limit yourself to one absurd question so as to let all have a turn.


  1. What's the verdict? When are they opeining?

  2. Target opening date of August 1, 2012 - more likely August 10, 2012.
